Monday, April 15, 2013

Kony 2012

This video is trying to sell the message of what Kony did in Uganda so that people donate and contribute to the community.Apart from this it is trying to sell the message that the US are good people and that they care about them and that they are the heroes and only people trying to help them.

The video uses production elements like sound effects in the moments of tension. It uses dramatic music but pleasant to keep you hooked. The camera angles are very simple allowing you to focus on who is talking and his emotions. It does use movement tricks like showing a camera zooming out to show an infinite amount of boys recruited by Kony. The edition is very sleek everything looks too clean and happy. Also part of the edition are the special effects that are used in the transitions to keep you in the flow of the movie. It also uses interactive graphics from time to time to explain things better.

For the propaganda of the video there are various techniques used. First it is about something that everyone must be in favour off or everyone can relate too. Then it uses a informal language so that more people understand the video and share it. In conjunction with the language they produced a compelling story that takes you on a journey like in a movie or short film and the production quality is on par with the Hollywood. After this they brought icons of our culture like famous actors and actresses to gain the support of a specific group of persons.

The video uses statistical facts about the world and its relation with the problems in Uganda. This facts are supported because the majority of the people know that those figures are about right but they are just left as statements and are not explained into more detail. The purpose the figures is to impress you and further hook you onto the video.

The propaganda in the video connects with the propaganda techniques we have learned. Fore example the video use the lesser of two evils because it is asking us donate money to help this cause but it doesn't show us other causes around  the world that might be worse and need this money more. I think that scape goating is another technique used because the video blames and claims that all the problems in Uganda are because of Kony but it never says or talks about the other problems in Uganda like poor services, poor education and low development or maybe how these might have created Kony in the first place. Finally the most used technique is omission because the movie happens all the time in the US and focusses more on the boy than on the actual people in Uganda which it barely touches upon.  In this way it tries to bandwagon us because it shows all the poeple who are part of the campaign and are young and shows facts about the donations.

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