Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Open Hardware

1. Open Hardware is idea in which everybody can work on freely without any expense. The only requirement is that you acknowledge the creator or inventor.
2. The are minimum requirements apart from acknowledging the creator of the idea.
3. There are barrier in my opinion for the movement to become mainstream because people usually need competition or work for their money.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Definitions of states of belonging

Copyright: A exclusive legal right given to a originator or creator of something. 

Copy free: A free software license that works on a copyrighted work

Trademark:  A symbol or words that are legally registered by another user that is representing the company or product.
Creative Commons: A non profit organisation that works to expand the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally.

Public Domain: Something that is available to the public because its not subject of copyright or any state of belonging.