Monday, December 3, 2012

The new features learned for the collage of a surreal painting

Some of the new features that i learned for my collage of a surreal painting are: the texture option under the layers options which allows to create and endless amount of textures and be more creative with your objects. Also the other layers options can be used to add cool effects to your pictures. Another important feature is the background eraser tool which is very useful to merge images that are placed in the top of others and make you collage feel connected. Finally the Photoshop curves feature allows you to change the tone, the lighting, the opacity, hue, saturation and can be especially important for making a contrast between images and other effects desired.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Copy of Sites That Build Community

Fostering Community at BSQ

The College Councelor

Dear Link,

                 I am sad to tell you that we ran a Internet profile on you and we found some disturbing events. For starters we have seen in your Facebook page photos that incriminate you of throwing pots at people. We cannot accept this behaviour at our college and you cant just take something that is not yours and break it. Although you have save the world before you enter peoples home at any time of the day without asking and then sleep on their bed. You have stolen money from pots of the houses you emter and that is not acceptable.

Skyloft University

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I dont appear in the Internet. I dont think it is important but it depends on what you plan to do in the future. At the moment i dont need to appear, but i think that it is a bad idea because it makes you more prone to hacking or show sensitive information. But you might benefit from appearing because you might get more exposure for your job or life if this is nessesary.

Digital Footprint

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Technology in school

I think that this year we will be using technology mostly in the form of computers and projectors in every class. There are another ways in witch technology will be used for example the new finger print detector in the cafeteria and  cameras for projects. Another use is through music because in some classes occasionally you might be able to work while listening to your mp3 player songs. Finally the internet and flash drives. The internet will be used a lot especially for research and in the ICT classes and flash drives will be used for storing your projects and homework's in all the classes.

I am mostly interested in learning about video game design and things involving video and image manipulation. I am also interested on the unit about learning the components of a computer and how to dismantle a computer to cabinet and re mantle it and knowing what each component does.Finally i want to know on the different ways that you can win money on blogs or other internet related pages.

I think i can bring my skills and interests more into my school work by learning about the topics that i am interested on and also by using more technology on other classes.